I think the stars have finally aligned and I'm ready to announce that I'm making some changes to how I sell prints:
I've decided to no longer offer limited editions and instead to have open editions. I've been feeling pretty trapped and overwhelmed by trying to keep track of all these different print runs for a while, it just takes up too much of my time. With open editions I feel like I will be able to streamline my shipping and have more time for actual art-making. Also, this means that popular editions will never sell out and I will no longer have to tell sad people that I'm out of a print.
Changing from limited to unlimited could be kind of fraught after doing it this way for so long, but I also think that most people who are buying prints from me are buying them because they like my artwork, not because they're super concerned about having a limited edition print.
Another reason for this change actually was because it was starting to bother me that my originals and my prints looked almost exactly alike, I think it sort of devalues my original drawings. So, these new prints will still be high quality reproductions but they are going to look totally different from the old ones. I got a brand new fancy professional quality photo printer that makes beautiful archival giclee prints. Instead of the old yellowy rag paper (that I had to cut down to size by hand) these new prints will be on white Somerset Enhanced Velvet paper that makes the colors really sharp and vibrant.
Some more good news for you is because they're no longer going to be limited edition I'm able to lower the price of the new prints to $26 each rather than $30.
I really hope you understand this decision & no one is upset! And should you still want to buy one of the old style prints they will be available until Friday.