How is it possible that it is Friday already? I had a really good, productive week. Two of my best friends got married to each other at the beginning of the week, I got a lot of good work done, tomatoes are ripening, the weather is amazing. I was strict with myself about going to bed early and getting up early all week. I actually love getting up early but not when I go to bed at 2am, which I've gotten in the habit of the last few months. I know it's not for everyone but it's amazing how much calmer and happier I feel if I can get up before 8am!
A few random things:
♥ Recently watched Wolf Children Ame & Yuki. It's so beautiful and charming, I'm sure a lot of you would like it.
♥ I love this Pin board of beautiful mail, so bright and fun.
♥ I'm a big fan of the hand lettering Arley-Rose Torsone (of Ladyfingers Letterpress) does and this little film about it kind of blew my mind because she does it all free hand, no pencil!
♥ I can't wait to make this black sesame bread! Maybe I will try it over the weekend...
I just discovered your blog and your artwork is so whimsical and delicately beautiful. I also read that you sell some of your work at "City Bird" in Detroit. I love that shop and live nearby....I will definitely look for your artwork, next time I'm there!:)