
Child of Light

This game looks so beautiful and precious it gives me chills! I love the watercolor look, and it even has a pretty logo.

A couple months ago while taking an evening walk with a friend where we got to pet a lot of neighborhood cats (a favorite past time) we came up with the idea of a cat petting video game. The more cats you pet the more points, you loose points if the cats run away or scratch you, etc. More recently though I had more ideas for a similar game. It would have beautiful artwork, and you would play someone who goes out looking for your cat when they don't come home for dinner one night. You'd wonder around your neighborhood, meeting other cats along the way that would each take you on adventures & side stories (portals to other worlds? solving mysteries?) and each one would give you a clue to finding your own cat. If anyone wants to make that game you can have my idea as long as I get to be involved in the concept artwork for it! (Aradan pointed out that he wouldn't be surprised if this game already exists in Japan. If that is the case then someone please give me a copy of it so I can play it!)


  1. Love your blog and artwork, but I don't usually comment. But I have to say, that sounds like the best game idea ever! I would definitely play that all time. I hope it exists, or will one day exist.

    1. Thanks for commenting:) I wish I could make it! Maybe it could be a book instead...

  2. Haha. That sounds great! On the subject of cat games, have you ever played Sushi Cat? :)

    1. I hadn't heard of Sushi Cat but I looked it up and immediately spent half an hour playing it!

  3. Oh my what a beautiful looking game very exciting I love games with traditional art elements in them! Sounds like a great idea could seeing it being very pretty my boyfriend makes video games for a living :)
