Even though it's been an unusually nice February weather wise (it's gotten into the 60's several times!) my mood has taken some dips. I just feel like I can't get enough done, there aren't enough hours in the day for everything I want to do and have to do. Anyway, February is when things like this hit me hardest, lovely weather or not. To perk myself up I bought this lovely yellow primrose plant. Every year I tell myself it's a waste of money to buy plans that are only going to die a few weeks later, but every spring I buy a few because they do make things more cheerful!

I also treated myself to a new candle. I've been thinking that I'd rather buy somewhat expensive candles from small makers rather than the outrageously expensive ones from huge companies. I found this candle maker on Etsy & loved the scent choices. I ordered bergamot of course, that is my thing. I'm really happy with it, it smells wonderful and fills my whole apartment.

I got a little sample sachet of the Smith Tea herbal infusion "Meadow" and was charmed and surprised at how lovely it looks when I opened it.

It really does look like a little meadow filled with flowers in your cup. I've been trying to use up teas I have so I can buy more and I'm sure I will have to buy more of this as well as Lord Bergamot, an old favorite.

Flowers from my love on Valentine's Day.
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