
Travel Log pt.1: Prairie Creek Redwoods

prairie-creek4 Hello! I'm back from a wonderful week in California with lots of adventures and beauty.
Get ready for lots of pictures of trees in the first round of pictures!

We started out the week with a few days and nights at Prairie Creek State Park. We were able to walk right from our camp though some amazing redwood forest, to Fern Canyon. It did rain a lot though. Thank goodness Aradan has a really great waterproof tent so all was well, and we wound up seeing some neat things, like newts basking in the rain!prairie-creek2 prairie-creek11 prairie-creek3 prairie-creek14 We started the day with coffee from our new camping kettle. It's very small and squat, and I love it, obviously. prairie-creek1 prairie-creek6 Fern Canyon prairie-creek7 prairie-creek8 A Dipper. These little birds can usually be found happily diving in fast flowing streams looking for yummy insects. This one seemed fairly miserable and wet though, a feeling I sympathized with later on as we returned to our wet campsite. prairie-creek12
Resident elk, not far from the campground. We were able to see the eclipse from this meadow on our first night.

prairie-creek13 Part of me wishes we were still camping in the redwoods, and part of me is soo happy to be home. It was a nice break though, and it's always nice to come back with fresh eyes.

I'll be posing pictures from the rest of the trip over the next few days!


  1. I like these with fog and with dipper the most. It's always hard to come back from wonderful trip, but it's also hard to stay (you start missing home)

  2. Such Beautiful pictures, you must have had your breath taken away on this trip.
    Thank you so much for sharing, especially as I will never get the chance to experience such huge and wild nature, ours comes in slightly smaller form!

  3. SO beautiful. So very very beautiful.

  4. So inspiring! I can't wait to see how the visuals creep up in your art. I have been enjoying your recent art so much, btw. Can't wait for the rest of the photographs!

  5. Gorgeous! I live in SF and just had a magical redwood adventure in Butano State Park. These pictures are wonderful!


  6. So lovely! It's one of my dreams to get back to the west coast and see those giant trees. I can't wait to see the rest of your photos.

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  9. The fantastic trip to Prairie Creek State Park was memorable! Everything was great, from our waterproof tents to the coffee from our new camping kettle! We even got to see the eclipse from the meadow! It was a great break and a way to return with fresh eyes. If you're looking for help with english coursework help, we can provide you with the best service!

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  13. Situated in Humboldt County, California, in the United States, Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park is a stunning and immaculate state park. It is renowned for its breathtaking old-growth coast redwood trees and varied ecosystems and is a part of the broader network of Redwood National and State Parks.

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    The travel log on Prairie Creek Redwoods is an engaging and captivating account of the author's experience exploring this natural wonder. It vividly describes the redwood forest and its surroundings, allowing readers to visualize and appreciate its beauty. The personal anecdotes and observations add a personal touch, making the log relatable and engaging. The article effectively highlights the unique features of the redwoods, such as towering trees, scenic trails, and abundant wildlife, making it a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts. Overall, the travel log is a well-written and inspiring piece that encourages readers to explore and appreciate nature.

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  17. Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park provides an awe-inspiring tour through ancient redwood trees. Towering trees provide a cathedral-like ambiance, beckoning tourists to explore peaceful trails and admire nature's splendor. The park's diverse ecosystems provide refuge for a variety of wildlife, including elusive elk and majestic bald eagles. Scenic drives show stunning views, and hiking routes lead to secret waterfalls and tranquil woods. Whether camping under the stars or simply relaxing in nature, Prairie Creek Redwoods captivates with its timeless beauty and feeling of wonder. A must-see location for any nature enthusiast.
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