It's been pouring on and off here between bursts of sunshine, that's the way May/June usually is here. I love being cozy and turning on some quiet music on rainy mornings when I'm starting work. I made this playlist that doesn't start off too quiet, but get's more so at the end (it has two songs by Lullatone in a row, which is probably some kind of mix-making gaffe, but to be honest on rainy days just putting on a whole Lullatone album is the perfect thing). I might make another playlist For A Rainy Morning that is all classical music at some point because I also listen to a lot of that.
Listen to playlist with 8tracks
1. The Motion Makes Me Last Eluvium
2. Yet Again Grizzly Bear
3. Montezuma Fleet Foxes
4. From Finner Of Monsters And Men
5. Dogwalkers Of The New Age Breathe Owl Breathe
6. On Site Psapp
7. Mi Tambor Adrian Juarez
8. Bedroom Bossa Band Lullatone
9. A Merry-Go-Round in the Park Lullatone
10. Jynweythek Ylow Aphex Twin
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