I had a few of these little vintage frames, so I decided to pop a print in there and they are available to buy in my store, right here. I only have two so this is a limited run!
I've been having crazy ups and downs in my energy level and motivation to work this week. Inspiration isn't a problem right now, I've just been feeling sluggish and having a hard time getting started. Here are my favorite things to do when that happens:
-Don't worry about it. Worry makes it worse.
-Sit at my desk, even if I don't want to
-Take a walk/go for a run (usually I can focus better when I get back)
-Make a to-do list with tiny steps that seem do-able.
-Make a playlist
-Take and brief look at the blog of someone who seems to have it together and all figured out. The guilt can kick me into gear (half joking. This one is tricky though because any motivation this creates can it can quickly slide into panic which is paralyzing!)
-Bake some bread (I don't know why this works. It's just nice to have bread baking. Hot-from-the-oven bread is also a good bribe to make myself work until it's done baking)
-Light a candle (again, not sure why this works. It's probably just about creating the right atmosphere. The atmosphere where work might happen)
-Make sure I'm hydrated and warm/cool enough. No way is work happening if I'm uncomfortable.
This is kind of a silly list now that I look at it! Oh well, it's what works for me, once I just get started I'm usually fine! What do you do when you're having a hard time settling down to work (whatever that work may be)?

By the way, thank you so much for all your sweet comments on my last post! You're the best!
Haha! It's not silly. A lot of people forget to pay attention to how they are feeling and just sink into their negative feelings!! Baking and taking walks works for me too.
ReplyDeleteI think that a very good list! It seems to me that by doing things that relax the mind as you suggest, helps the create mind to get going again. Thankyou for sharing your list, it's so helpful and inspiring to hear other artists's ways of coping with lack of motivation.
ReplyDeleteI love the drawing the fox, especially its pointy legs!xx
A lot of things on that list are what I would do, and I'll be sure to try the others next time! Even though not worrying is kind of hard. It's good to hear you talk about that paralyzing panic (not good that you have it though!), so I know it's not just me!
ReplyDeleteBeen the same these days hun ups and downs think it's the weather in the UK.
ReplyDeleteI usually make lots and lots of tea and find a comfy spot but then I usually fall asleep ha ha.
Good little tips though and you reminded me I have frames to fill up with work to. Cute little fox xxx