
Block Printing on Fabric

Between illustration projects I've been having so much fun the last few weeks carving and stamping on fabric. It's been so nice making physical objects again! They have always been a part of my practice, but after taking most of this last year to focus on my illustration work I realized that making things is actually also part of my wellbeing as a person.

I haven't printed since college (I actually majored in fine art printmaking; lithography, engraving etc.), but recently the truly hand made and imperfect has been so appealing to me. Not to get too deep into it but it's all tied up in the total exhaustion I've been feeling the last few years with with mass appeal consumerism and the feeling I need to keep up with that in my industry (if you can call it that). It's a bit self imposed maybe the the pressure is there.
Anyway I am over it. I like small batch, I like different and creative.


I've had soo many ideas since I started lino cutting again of things I want to make. I need an outlet for this type of work and I'm considering opening another wing of my shop (or maybe opening a different one?) for printed home goods. Really I see it as nice balance for my illustration work and a way to rejuvenate my creative juices when I'm feeling burnt out in one area.



In case you want to know I'm using these carving blocks, and this ink. The brayers I already had, I believe they are Speedball as well.


  1. I really love these floral towels! You're inspiring me to get some of my own fabric printed. I've been 'sitting' on some stamps I carved and fabric paints for months. The whole process kind of intimidates me.

    1. I get that, but I say just jump in and try it. I kind of forgot the who process so am having to re-learn as I go, and I've definitely messed up a few times:/ But, learning from that!

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  2. A timeless artistic touch to textiles, using hand-carved blocks to create intricate, repeating patterns. This traditional technique adds unique textures and vibrant designs to fabrics, making each piece a distinctive work of art.
